Finally! Today, I've been able to finish the whole Zero no Tsukaima series. It's been a year since I finished the 3rd season. Since I have no time to watch the fourth season, which was released earlier this year and was finished before June, if I'm not mistaken. Now, I can finally say that I have finished it. So here's a short review of the fourth season, also known as: Zero no Tsukaima F.
The fourth season is basically about the the four void mages. So here's a
SPOILER WARNING to all those otakus who still hasn't finished the series. So there were four void mages in Halkgenia. One of them was Louise. Then it was later revelead that Tiffania was also one. The other two were Vittorio or the Pope of Romalia and King Joseph of Gallia. Julio was also revealed to be
Windalfr or "Left hand of God". During the middle episodes, it was revealed that the accident,which happened when Tiffania was summoning a familiar and Saita came out of the portal, made Saito Tiffania's familiar too. The contract was made when Tiffa and Saito kissed. Being a familiar of another void mage meant he became another legendary familiar. He was
Gandalfr or "Right hand of God" as well as
Lifdrasir or "Heart of God". As Lidrasir, he could boost any void mages power. But in exchange of that power, every time he uses it, he also depletes his life. Louise heard it from the Pope and hoped that there would be no global crisis. Then a global disaster happened. The ancient dragon has awakened and they learned that it was awakened to devour void mages thus making it stronger. This happened when the ancient dragon ate Vittorio whole (SPOILER). It was it a pupa like stage and then it developed wings. Deflinger was destroyed as Saito was protecting the Pope from the dragon's attack. Also, Louise sent back Saito to Japan. That scene really made me cry. Louise told Saito that the last face Saito seen was Louise's smile. Saito, attempted to return his home but he made a statement, "
A man is not a man if he can't make his girl smile." He saw in a newspaper that it was the same day he was transported into Halkgenia. Making a reference to the 1st season. He tried to fly into the solar eclipse and succeded. While flying the plane, another deflinger appeared on screen and Saito was happy to see Derf again! He also told Saito that all this time, he was sleeping inside Saito's rune. Afterwards, they defeated the Ancient Dragon and Saito proposed to Louise. They got married and I think they're gonna spend their honeymoon in Japan. The last scene showed Saito and Louise, hand in hand, in front of the Hiraga residence.
This is why I hate endings! I have loved the characters and the cute storyline. This is one of my favorite animes and I must admit that I will surely miss this series. Maybe someday, I'm gonna rewatch this for the sake of the memories. I also wish that this would not be the last season. But it was stated that this was the concluding season of ZNT. If they would not make a 5th season, they should make an OVA about Louise and Saito's stay in Japan. Fans will surely love it! That's it. I'm finished with Zero no Tsukaima. 'Till next time!
Btw, here are some screenshots from the 4th season! Hope you like it!
Lemon-chan! FTW! |
Awkward.... |
The Magic Mirror feat. the Affair Between Saito and Henrietta Too bad I can't find a picture of Saito and Henrietta's kiss. |
The Lord of De Ornielle with Louise, Siesta and Tabitha |
Lukshana, the Desert Elf |
The Contract between Saito and Tiffania was made |
HAHAHA! This made me laugh! |
Queen Henrietta of Tristain <3 |
The Wedding of Louise and Saito |
Last Kiss of Saito and Louise in Zero no Tsukaima |
Portal to Japan |
Saito and Louise at a Train in Japan |
Alright! The last picture was my fave. It was absolutely cute. I can't find a picture of the last scene in which Louise and Saito was standing infront of Hiraga residence. I give this anime a score of 9.5/10. I definitely recommend this to those otakus that like a fantasy story with a little bit of harem and love story and comedy. I also recommend this to tsundere lovers as Louise is considered as one of them and she was voiced by Rie Kugimiya! She's my favorite seiyuu or voice actor. She also voiced Aisaka Taiga, Nagi Sanzenin and Shana!
That's all! Thank you for reading my mini review!